
  • Dont be Afraid to show YOURSELF out there!!
  • Dont change for ANYBODY!!
  • Be who YOU want to be!!
  • Be You!
  • Enjoy Life

Friday, December 14, 2012

“You Will Go Far With CTR”
Choosing the Right:
TR is what a lot of people should do. By CTW people can get themselves into really bad situations. CTR helps you be a better person then making bad decisions. At any age people can use CTR. If you choose the right when you’re younger than its better for you because when you grow older you will be driven the right way. If a person that is old and barely starts using the right, then yeah it’s a good thing but not fully good because then they are going to live with what they chose wrong in their past and they won’t fully learn about choosing the right because they still have the “darkness of choosing the wrong”.
CTR can help many people go far, like Mr. Haymore, he is a teacher now. He chose the right throughout his life and achieved what he wanted to do he is now a teacher of new media for many years. He taught in many states when he just started out in North Carolina and now he’s in the big city of LA.

You see people can achieve many goals by choosing the right. You can be a very good person if you just put your mind to it and see what’s good. What is choosing the wrong going to get you? Nowhere that’s what I know. Wouldn’t you rather be enjoying life later than paying the consequences of your bad decisions? Don’t choose the wrong, Choose the Right.

Chance of getting better by CTR
Chance of not getting better by CTW
What may you thing is your path?

Better feeling in yourself
Feeling bad about yourself
What do you want to feel like?
Achieving your goals
Failing at success
Do you want to fail or succeed?
Become a well-loved person
Become unwanted
Do you want to be loved or hated?
Text Box: Choosing the right to become a star!!
Text Box: Choose the Right!!! 

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Student Success Statement
“You will never regret doing what’s right.”
What I think this person is trying to say is that anything you do right shouldn’t have regrets because you did make the decision so why regret it. And if you know what you did is right then what’s there to regret.

Academic Success
Part 2
Laura B’s academic success story
In high school I was one of the good students who didn’t really have to study to be a good student. The information that I took for notes in class usually sunk in enough for me to be able to get by or the tests by simply reviewing the materials just before class began. I wasn’t that I didn’t try, I had 4.0 al throughout high school, but I never really had to put forth much of an effort to get the results that I wanted to see. In collage however, that changed. Not only did I start studying and reading the book, but I began to understand that the little tiny facts were just as important at the general concepts. My overall study method: I do the reading that is required for the classes, and I try to keep up. If I do fall behind, I usually use the reading that I did not get to as and additional study aid. I take good notes in class and actually attend every class that I can. Sometimes, with volleyball, its tough because we are on the road a lot, but if I do miss class because of volleyball I make sure that I get the notes form another student in class.
Choose the Right!!!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Student Success Statement
“Light and Darkness can’t occupy the same space at the same time. CTR is light-CTW is darkness.”
- Charles Haymore
What I think that he is trying to say is that light can note show at the same time as darkness, darkness is much more different then the light because the light is what out shines the dark from everywhere.

Academic Success
Part 1
My great academic success: In my principles of marketing class, we had to come up with a new product and sell it. My group ended up with a couple supposedly bad students according to our teacher since they were the last ones picked. In the end, they helped out more than needed since I was team leader I assigned certain pieces of the project that became solely their responsibility. Delegating work always helps since it allows a group member individual work without separating group.
English , math , foreign language tips: Math basically just takes practice. I always tell students to take a blank piece of paper and write everything you know about what you learned or what you’re studying for in class. If you don’t remember everything or start drawing blanks, then you need to study more and review your notes. Note cards work really well for foreign language. Here are my final words of wisdom for students who want to get better grades in collage: Go to class, make friends with people in class just in case you’re absent, and remember that you should want to learn.
Choose the Right!!!